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Artist:  Marion Aitken

© Marion Aitken, all rights reserved.

Contact the Artist for additional information.

Hailing from Stratford Ontario, Marion has Canadian/New Zealand roots but has been based in Ottawa for over a decade. Here her artistic practice has developed into a full time venture, in which she primarily creates meticulously rendered realistic acrylic paintings.

A graduate of London Ontario’s Bealart Vocational Art Program and Sheridan College’s Technical Illustration Program, her artistic passion is to compose accurate, striking images full of vivid colour/tone, rich in detail, reflecting the fascinating patterns and designs found both in the natural and urban worlds. Not surprisingly, time spent in solitude and nature fuels and renews her. Hiking or biking through a forest are favoured activities that bring her joy and fresh inspiration.

In addition to continuously building up her body of work to sell at various exhibitions in the Ottawa area, Marion frequently works with clients on custom commissions . There, the goal is to work cooperatively with clients to bring their unique vision to life on canvas. Her work has found spaces to brighten across the globe, from many of our provinces in Canada, to the USA, to Mexico, Jamaica, Holland, England, Australia, New Zealand, Cambodia, and more. She is grateful to be able to do what she loves doing and to share it with others with whom her paintings resonate.

Website: https://www.marionaitken.com/

Email: info@marionaitken.com